Career advising

Explore majors and career resources

We want you to love your job as much as we love ours. And we really love our jobs. We encourage you to set up a time to visit VCU Career Services as soon as you arrive at VCU.

As a VCU student, you have access to a variety of career resources — including individual career advising, events, job search resources and guides, and full- and part-time job listings posted specifically for VCU talent — to help you navigate every step of your personal career and professional development.

Advising Policies: Please show up to your advising appointment at least five minutes prior to the start of the appointment. If you arrive late, we cannot guarantee that we can see you that day and you may need to reschedule. If needed, please cancel appointments with 24 hours' notice when possible. After first and second no-shows to appointments, you will get an email from the advisor reminding you of our policies. After 3 no-shows you will get a phone call from the advisor warning you that you're in danger of losing access to scheduling appointments. After 5 no-shows in one semester, your access to scheduling appointments is turned off and you will no longer be able to meet with advisors.

Learning objectives

Through engaging with VCU Career Services, students and alumni will be able to...

  • Determine their values, skills, and interests and connect them to academic and career choice.
  • Understand how to establish and manage their professional relationships effectively.
  • Communicate the value of their experiences in relation to role, employer, community, and/or industry needs
  • Develop and assess a strategic approach to goal-setting for their career and professional opportunities.
  • Apply career development techniques to pursue their professional options.

Career development cycle

Not sure where to start? Explore our career development cycle:

Image explaining the career development cycle


What do you want to be?

A key to charting a successful future is to fully invest in and contribute to your career goals. The first stage is to discover you. Start by exploring your interests, skills, abilities and values to see how they can relate to your potential career.


Why do you want to be a … ?

Context is key. It is important to gather information first to discover potential career paths. However, to be successful, you can’t discover in a vacuum. You must reflect on what you have gathered to see how your career choices will fit within the context of family pressure, economic changes and industry shifts, as well as your personal aspirations.


You are unique. No one like you exists. How will you show the audience why you are a better investment than your competitors — other graduates and job seekers? Developing your own personal brand allows you to showcase your talents, skills and abilities to a potential employer.

Think about your life as a consumer. What brands catch your attention? What are they known for? Employers and graduate programs are looking for that same brand identity from you.


Apply what you’ve learned

If you are in a new job or internship, you have committed your skills and work to a new organization, its mission and goals. Use this opportunity to discover new areas to enrich your talents and experiences. Now is the time to set up new goals to further your professional experiences and career path.


What’s next?

The opportunity to enrich your career does not end once you graduate from college or land an internship or full-time job. Career enrichment is a lifelong phase requiring continuous reflection, evaluation and action. Enrichment means keeping up with current trends in your industry and building the skills needed to remain relevant throughout your career.