Our strategic vision

VCU Career Services has launched an ambitious strategic plan to guide their endeavors from Fall 2022-Spring 2026 in service of students, alumni, employer and community partners, and our many other important stakeholders on- and off-campus.

VCS 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Outcomes [ADA-compliant PDF]VCS 2022-2026 Strategic Plan Outcomes [ADA-compliant PDF]

10-Year Vision Statements (2019-2029)

Advising: We will be a diverse team of intentional and collaborative industry advisors with expertise to help all VCU students and recent alumni identify and pursue their chosen purpose and pathway. We will meet students where they are by providing a variety of accessible and relevant services, programs and resources. 

Programming & Campus Partnerships: We will deliver meaningful and accessible programming to students and alumni that increases exposure and access to career options and information. Our relationships with campus partners will serve as a conduit to remove barriers and create opportunities to develop REAL career knowledge and experiences.

Employer Development: We will be a change agent and strategic partner by using data to offer educational opportunities that connect employers, students, and alumni to benefit our local community as well as the regional and global economy. Employers will feel connected to VCU through customized engagement, and will contribute to our student and alumni development through program partnerships, experiential learning opportunities and the recruiting process. 

Marketing & Branding: We will be a leader in student, alumni, and employer engagement through both digital and in-person mediums, offering employers and campus partners the opportunity to seek out VCU talent and for students to navigate and achieve their goals through experiential opportunities. We will tell the stories of students, alumni, and employers in authentic, powerful ways that highlight the diversity of student success.

Technology & Resources: We will be the Career Services model for utilizing innovative technology when providing effective and accessible career advising, programming, and engagement with campus and community partners. We will offer resources that aim to remove barriers and provide VCU students and alumni with equitable access to REAL experiences and support throughout their career development. 

Professional Staff Development: We will be known regionally and nationally as both an excellent training ground and a great professional space for talented, inclusive, innovative career development leaders. We will establish the following as the cornerstones of a cohesive, thriving team: intentional and individualized professional development, internal and external best practice sharing, and incorporating diversity of thought and experience.

Student Staff Hiring & Development: We value diversity, inclusivity, and equity when strategically serving the hiring and development needs of student staff. Our student team members will strive to serve the unique needs of the VCU community.