Graduate and professional students and postdocs

VCU Career Services provides a variety of career- and professional development-related resources for graduate and first-professional students, and our postdoctoral scholars/fellows. Whether you’re interested in an academic or nonacademic track after graduation, we have a variety of resources to help reach your goals and enrich your career.

We can help you with:

We encourage you to use Handshake and other tools available online to help you determine the best career direction for you. Use this “How to Guide” to find positions in Handshake for candidates with your level of education. Additionally, you can Schedule an appointment with your career advisor or attend one of the many events offered by our office or by your college or school to seek out additional ways to enrich your VCU education.

Beyond Graduate School

Beyond Graduate School is an online platform that helps master’s students build their careers. From video lessons on career exploration, to writing application materials, to interviewing and negotiating for that next step — BGS helps master’s students through each stage of their job search.

Beyond the Professoriate

Beyond the Professoriate is an online professional development tool where postdocs and doctoral students can explore career options and learn job search strategies to secure employment in academia and beyond.

Career planning

You have pursued graduate or professional education and now you have a choice – would you like to focus your career on continued research and teaching, or are you more interested in applying what you have learned outside of the academy?

You may have only experienced the academic setting thus far, and if that’s the case, it’s important to investigate what other settings are like and whether they are a good fit for you. Identify what skills and experiences are needed in the sector in which you want to work, and proceed to implement your career plan accordingly. 

Career development course

GRAD 610: Career and Professional Development Planning for Graduate Students

Semester course; 1.5 lecture hours per week for nine weeks. 1 credit. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Given a unit of study in Grad 610, students will be able to:

  1. Determine values, skills, and interests and connect them to career paths utilizing self-exploration and reflection
  2. Create, update, and maintain the necessary documents (CV, resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, etc.) to participate in a job search
  3. Identify career opportunities that are in alignment with their personal skills, values, or interests
  4. Utilize skills learned to navigate the job search process, including applying, networking, interviewing, and negotiating

Request a presentation

We love talking to student organizations, classes and, well, anybody about career services. Fill out our form to request a presentation and someone from our office will get back to you soon.

Visit LinkedIn Learning

As a VCU student, you have access to a broad range of instructional videos and courses based on skills known to be important to a variety of job functions and roles.