Contact us

Our office

University Student Commons, first floor, near Main & Cherry Entrance and POD Market
907 Floyd Avenue, Room 143
Richmond, Virginia 23284-2007

Satellite office in Hunton Student Center, Suite 205

Phone(804) 828-1645


Advising appointments and document review (virtual, phone, and in-person options available)
Drop-ins are available Tuesday - Friday, from 10am - 3pm. 

Please note that drop-ins are not available during fall and winter break. 

Suit Yourself Closet
View current visiting information for both campus locations on the SYC web page.

Headshot drop-ins:
Headshot appointments are available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 p.m.-3 p.m.
Follow this step-by-step guide 
for taking headshots at home.